AllMost 2018:
#0 Pilot (2018-02-02)
01. Implex - "Pi" [Mutacube MCB002] 2007
02. Grundwasserabsänkung - "Farben" [Jelly 001 Unterwasser Stirbt Man Nicht] 1987
03. Hans Söllner - "Fahrzeugkontrolle" [Trikont US-0270 241255] 2000
04. skit "Black Widow Interview" [DMF]
05. Agnes Obel - "Riverside" (Lulu Rouge Remix) [Play It Again Sam] 2011
06. Abwärts - "Comic Krieg" [Totenkopf TOT220 / Epic] 1991
07. Anarchist Academy - "Suck My Dick" [Tribehaus Rec - "Rappelkisten Kids] 1998
08. Fettes Brot - "Männer" [Alternation INT845.222 Auf Einem Auge Blöd] 1995
09. Megavier - "Frei" [Epic EPC4775772] 1994
10. Oberton - "Revolution" [Traumsoldaten Rec OT666] 2003
11. Cosmic Baby - "Industrie & Melodie" [Time Out Of Mind ‎T.O.O.M.103] 2006
12. Sunchase - "Whom" [Shadow Fax SFAX011 Volume 11] 2008
#1 (2018-04-06)
01. Krust - "Coded Language" feat. Saul Williams [Talkin Loud 562399-1] 1998
02. Hass - "Hass" [H'art Musik H21881 ...allein genĂĽgt nicht mehr] 1981
03. Alkohol & Socken - "Pfeffersäcke" [Tutti Pazzi Rekords - Dicke Beine] 1994
04. Fettes Brot - "Gangsta Rap" [Alternation INT845.222 Auf einem Auge blöd] 1995
05. Absolute Beginner - "1:0 fĂĽr Babylon" [Buback BTT043 Flashnizm] 1996
06. Die Firma - "Nachricht aus Utopia" [LaCosaMia LCM001-2 Spiel des Lebens / Spiel des Todes] 1998
07. Shah Reza - "Letzte Wahrnung" [Youtube-ID: PcHMn8_gNvg] 2014
08. Absolute Beginner - "Nicht Allein" [Buback UMD-70095 Bambule] 1998
09. Curse - "Dreht Ab" [BMG 82876543892 Innere Sicherheit] 2003
10. Götz Widmann - "Zöllner vom Vollzug abhalten auf der A4" [Ahuga! 71875071542 Drogen] 2004
11. Biermösl Blosn - "Orgie Im Banktresor" [Mood 33.633 Jodelhorrormonstershow] 1990
12. amex + Kaiza - "Sourcream" [Tilt 004] 2006
13. Leona Anderson - "Fish" [Horrible H100] 1953
#2 Star Trek Special (2018-05-04) transcript, 320 here
--> "The Pepsi Generation", 1988 (Mission joke)
--> "Welcome" medley: 1x Star Trek TNG + 2x Futurama
--> Star Trek film 4 "The Voyage Home", 1986 (Earth orbit scene)
--> Futurama S4E11 "Where No Fan Has Gone Before", 2002
--> The Film Theorists - "Film Theory: Why The Star Trek Federation is Fascist", 2016, Youtube-ID: P4KBPaS-1PU
--> "The Pepsi Generation", 1988 (Prime Directive joke)
--> Star Trek TNGS6E1 "Times Arrow II", 1992 (Mark Twain vs. Diana Troy)
--> Futurama S2E2 "Brannigan, Begin Again", 1999
--> "The Pepsi Generation", 1988 (Blackness joke)
--> Star Trek TOS3E22 "The Savage Curtain", 1969 (Lincoln vs. Uhura)
--> Star Trek TOS3E10 "Plato's Stepchildren", 1968 (Serenade from the Laughing Spaceman)
--> Star Trek film 6 "The Undiscovered Country", 1991 (dinner scene)
--> Star Trek fan film "Of Gods And Men", 2008 (school debate)
--> Star Trek fan film "Of Gods And Men", 2008 (Tuvoc death scene)
--> Futurama S4E7 "A Pharaoh To Remember", 2002 (idiot priests chant)
--> "Dune", 1984 (prophecy intro)
--> The Twotones - "Ăś30-Generation", 200?ffs [?]
--> [...] - "Noah", xxxx (3 clips edited)
intro Optical - "To Shape The Future" [Metalheadz METH027 1997]
* Optical - "To Shape The Future" Remix [Metalheadz METBOX001 Metal Box Set 1997]
02. Prode - "Borer" [Revolution REVREC006 2006]
03. Prode - "Sun Influences" [Revolution REVREC008 2006]
04. Proket - "Pritchet" [ELP Collective ELPC007 2006]
05. Raiden + Proket - "Skafandr" [Offkey OK007 Apocrypha EP 2007]
06. Proket - "Show Me" [Offkey OK007 Apocrypha EP 2007]
07. Proket - "Guta" [Offkey OK007 Apocrypha EP 2007]
08. Proket - "Kaskad" [Offkey OK007 Apocrypha EP 2007]
09. Proket - "Locomotive" [Sinious SIN015 2007]
10. TomKin - "Matador" (Proket Remix) [Trickdisc TD012 2008]
11. Prode - "Cubic" [DSCI4 LP006 Spy Technologies 4: Counter Surveillance 2007]
01. Current Value - "Cyclop" [Subsistenz SUBSCD004 Stay On This Planet 2013]
* MachineCode - "Dance Of The Mech" [Subsistenz SUBS10.001 2012]
02. Current Value - "Down My Vains" [Subsistenz SUBSCD004 Stay On This Planet 2013]
03. MachineCode - "Terraforming" [Eatbrain 018 Terraform EP 2015]
04. Current Value - "Happy Mode" [Bad Taste BT042DD Force Black EP 2015]
05. Current Value - "Get Down To It" (Edit) [Trendkill TKRUK011 2015]
06. Current Value - "Exposure" [Subsistenz SUBS012 Natural Selection 2 2012]
07. Current Value - "G2 Hunt" [Subsistenz SUBZCD001 Back To The Machine 2010]
08. MachineCode - "In The Shell" (Current Value Remix) [Subsistenz SUBZCD001 Back To The Machine 2010]
--> Ultim8Beatz - Beat 1 (Synthis - Choirs - Strings), 2013
--> Ultim8Beatz - Beat 3 (8 Mile Road Remake), 2013
--> bermuda.funk Studio 2 background noise (window open)
--> Star Trek film 4 "The Voyage Home", 1986 (Spock death & funeral scenes)
#3 (2018-06-01)
00. Star Trek Renegades intro (The Right Principle)
01. Aaliyah feat. Timbaland - "We Need A Resolution" (Angel Dust Remix) [unreleased] 2002
02. DJ Gargamel - "Confusion" [Dubplate played live feat. MCs Santana & Soultrain] 1997
03. Oberton - "Tal der Toten" [Traumsoldaten OT666 Traumsoldaten EP] 2003
04. Ganjaman - "Momentaufnahme" [MK ZWO MKZWO001-1 Resonanz] 2002
05. Trieb - "Was Ist Das" [Raw 063015762-2 Unsterblich] 1996
06. Schweisser - "Verbrannte Erde" [Bullet Proof INT8225992 Heiland] 1997
07. Slime - "Linke Spiesser" [Aggressive Rockproduktionen AG0018 Alle gegen Alle] 1983
08. Sepultura - Inner Self [R/C Records RCD9511 Beneath The Remains] 1989
09. Valentina Lisitsa plays La Campagnella by Friedrich Liszt, Seoul 2013
10. Biermösl Blosn - "1, 2 + 3 =" [Mood 6562 Wellcome To Bavaria] 1998
11. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Die Stadt Die es nicht gibt" [Columbia CL374272 4:99] 1999
12. Schweisser - "Letzte Welt" [Alternation INT8226592 Bitte Warten] 1999
13. Kölli - "Berlin brennt" [Youtube-ID: 7tz6X5rEFDQ] 2018-04-30
14. skit (intro): Nightwalker - "Bedroom DJ" feat. DJ Dangerous [free] 2008
15. Enei + Charli Brix - "Just One Look (Signal Remix)" [Critical Music CRIT092LTD]
16. Signal + Mystic State - "Beneath The Surface" [Authentic Music AUTHENTIC016 Art of Deception]
17. Signal - "String Theory" [Critical DTKIC02 Do They Know Its Critmas 2]
18. Signal - "Existence" [Mindtech MTRDLP09 Mind Technologies 5]
19. Signal + Phentix - "Informer" [Cyberfunk CFNK003 Pitch Black EP]
20. Signal - "No Control" (Edit) [Critical Music CRITSYS004]
21. Signal - "Dawn" [free]
22. Signal - "Elle" [free]
23. Signal - "Blindfolded" [Critical Music CRITSYS004]
24. Signal - "Basilisk" [free]
25. Signal - "Intercept" [free]
26. Signal - "Objectify" [Neodigital NDGTL008 Eurofunk 2]
27. Signal - "Ennair" [Critical Music CRITSYS004]
28. Signal - "Indirect" [Lifestyle LFS053]
29. Signal + Disprove - "Erger" [Invisible 019 EP]
30. Signal + Current Value - "Stealth Ops" [Critical Music CRITSYS006]
31. Signal - "Tripwire" [Invisible 015EP]
32. Signal + Disprove - "Delirium" [Invisible 029 Mantura EP]
33. Signal - "Tribes" (Edit) [free]
34. Signal + Disprove - "Mantura" [Invisible 029 Mantura EP]
35. Hybrid Minds - "Listen" feat. Tiffani Juno (Signal Remix) [Hybrid Music UK HM007D]
--> Dumbest of All worlds - "A Brief History Of Crime" (Youtube-ID: tGm7lpik1cA)
#4 (2018-07-06)
00. Star Trek Renegades intro (Captain Of My Soul)
01. Freundeskreis - "Halt Dich An Deiner Liebe Fest" [Four Music ‎FOR4944669 Esperanto] 1999
02. Ronny Trettmann - "Sommer" [free] 2006
03. Ronny Trettmann + Phenomden - "Deutsches Patwa" [free] 2006
04. Mara Luna - "Unsere Kinder" [free] 2008?
05. Ganjaman - "B-Day 2001" [MK ZWO 001-2 Resonanz] 2001
06. Ganjaman - "Rom" feat Junior Randy [MK ZWO 001-2 Resonanz] 2001
07. Dopewalka - "Kranke Welt" - Reverence Riddim [free Fernweh LP] 2007
08. Curse - "Was Ist Los Mit Uns?" [BMG 82876543892 Innere Sicherheit] 2003
09. Curse - "Das Versteh Ich Nicht" [BMG 82876543892 Innere Sicherheit] 2003
10. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Keine Lösung" [4:99] 1999
11. Blumentopf - "Reden Ist Schweigen" [Kein Zufall] 1997
12. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Individuell Aber Schnell" [Vier Gewinnt] 1992
13. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Sieh Dich Im Spiegel An" [Die 4 Dimension] 1993
14. Curse - "Gleichgewicht" feat Stress & Trauma [BMG 82876543892 Innere Sicherheit] 2003
15. Oberton - "Glaube" [unreleased] 2002
16. Twotones - "Immer Hoch die GellerĂĽb" [Die Ăś-30-Generation] ?ffs
17. Biermösl Blosn - "Halali" [Wellcome To Bavaria] 1998
18. Biermösl Blosn - "Verzeih Mir!" [Wellcome To Bavaria] 1998
19. Biermösl Blosn - "Mäh!" [Wellcome To Bavaria] 1998
20. JOIX - "Solaris" [LCR LCRA03 Random Control] 2012
21. Signal - "Elk" [free]
22. Signal - "Downfall” feat Zoë Klinck [Critical Music CRIT091 Parallax EP]
23. Signal - "Only You" [free]
24. Signal + Allied + Heamy - "Omega Point VIP" [Critical Music BINARYLP01 Binary Codes]
25. Signal + Allied + Heamy - "Omega Point" [Critical Music BINARY007]
26. Signal + Lockjaw - "Vollzeit” (Edit) [Rise Audio RA011]
27. Signal + Disprove - "Links" (Edit) [Invisible 029 Mantura EP]
28. Segment + Concept Vision - "Barrier" feat Signal [Major League DnB MLDNB002]
29. Smoke City - "Flying Away" [Flying Away] 1997
#5 (2018-08-03)
00. King Of The Hill - Boomhauer's Philosophy + Cleveland Show's Rallo "hitting dong" intro
01. Sunchase - "I Am Not Dead" [Tilt-Recordings T-FILE-EP001]
02. Alexander Pavlenko - "In Water" [Kvadrat KVADRAT002]
03. Sunchase - "AHz" (Edit) [Playmobil Series playmobil001]
04. Sunchase - "Clutter" [Luxa Flex LUXA018]
05. Sunchase - "Velvet" [Luxa Flex LUXA018]
06. Sunchase - "Faces" [Playmobil Series playmobil001]
07. Alexander Pavlenko - "Error 99" (Edit) [Kvadrat KVADRAT001]
08. SCSI-9 - "Smooth Sunset" (Alexander Pavlenko Remix) Edit [Highway HWR011 2011]
09. Sunchase - "Barbeedoll" [Shadow Fax SFAX011]
10. Windenergy - "Renewal Chance" (Sunchase Remix) Edit [DJ Friendly DJFR18 Progressive Windenergy]
11. Sunchase - "Caliber" [Shadow Fax SFAX011]
12. Sunchase - "Whom" [Shadow Fax SFAX011]
13. Alexander Pavlenko - "Carbon Black" [Kvadrat KVADRAT001]
14. Sunchase - "Pushing This" (Edit) [Drone Audio CD002 Static Nitro]
15. James Blond - From Russia With Love (outro)
16. Eko Fresh et al - "Aber" [youtube MF]
17. Origin Unknown - "Truly One" [Ram RAMMLP1 The Speed Of Sound 1996]
18. Andy C + Shimon - "Quest" (Edit) [RAM RAMM17 1996]
19. Concept 2 - "Cause N Effect" [Ram RAMMLP1 The Speed Of Sound 1996]
20. Origin Unknown - "Lunar Bass" [Ram RAMMLP1 The Speed Of Sound 1996]
21. Concept 2 - "Lucid Dreams" (Edit) [Liftin Spirit ADMM15 1996]
22. Andy C + Shimon - "Genetix" [Ram RAMM18 1997]
23. Origin Unknown - "Sound In Motion" [Ram RAMMLP1 The Speed Of Sound 1996]
24. Origin Unknown - "Sound In Motion" (Killbox Remix) Edit [Ram RAMM300D XXV 2017]
25. Current Value - "Jump" (Enei Remix) Edit [Critical CRITLP10 Biocellulose 2016]
26. Machine Code - "Something" (Edit) [Cause 4 Concern C4CDIGUK028 Counterbalance 2015]
27. Machine Code - "Forward Gravity" [Subsistenz SUBS12-5 Airlock 2015]
28. Current Value + Phace - "Thump" (Edit) [Critical CRITLP10 Biocellulose 2016]
29. Current Value - "Gyrocopter" [Bad Taste BT042DD Force Black EP 2015]
30. Current Value - "Jump" (Edit) [Critical CRITLP10 Biocellulose 2016]
31. Current Value - "Loner" [Blackout Music NL BLCKTNL015 Nitro 2015]
32. Current Value + Phace - "Thump" (Break) [Critical CRITLP10 Biocellulose 2016]
33. Telemetrik - "Cosmos" [Black Sun Empire ‎BSECD004 My Lightyear]
34. Telemetrik - "The Bane" [Black Sun Empire ‎BSECD004 My Lightyear]
35. Telemetrik - "My Lightyear" (Edit) [Black Sun Empire ‎BSECD004 My Lightyear] + strobed
36. Telemetrik - "My Magnet" [Black Sun Empire ‎BSECD004 My Lightyear]
37. Telemetrik - "Exit Civilization" [Black Sun Empire ‎BSECD004 My Lightyear]
#6 (2018-09-07)
00. South Park "Beliefs" intro
01. Sunchase - "Ultimate Survival" [Xtinction Agenda XA012] 2010
02. Falcon - "On and On" Remix [unreleased] 200x
03. Falcon - "Bender" [unreleased] 200x
04. Falcon - "Dont Ya Want Me" [unreleased] 200x
05. Falcon - "I Feel Love" [unreleased] 200x
06. Falcon - "Jimmy Shake" (vocal version) [unreleased] 200x
07. Falcon - "Technoque" [unreleased] 200x
08. Falcon - "Greenhouse Effect" (Remix/Ramenizer) [unreleased] 200x
09. Gridlok + Jamal - "Tuscan Raider" [Commercial Suicide COMMERCIAL003] 2012
10. Freundeskreis - "Lasst mich nicht alleine" [Four Music FOR4872452 Quadratur des Kreises] 1997
11. Optical - "Whats the Difference" [Virus VRS014LP1 20 Years Of Optical] 2016
12. Krust - "21st Century" [Full Cycle FCYLP02 Through The Eyes] 1999
13. MC Det vs. Thomas The Tank Engine [youtube] 200x
14. H20 vs. Just A Timberlad - "Like I Nightride U" (Milo Mashup) [free] 2005
15. Milo - "Black Hawk Down" VIP [shadybrain Music 00305002] 2005
16. Milo - "Black Hawk Down" (Sunchase Remix) [shadybrain Music ‎SHADYRMX001 Remix Edition pt 1] 2006
17. Noisia + Milo + Prolix - "Monolith" [leak] 200x
18. Noisia - "Desolation" [Armada 001] 2005
19. Ellen Allien - "Go On Girl" [MFS 7074-3 Yellow Sky] 1995
20. Emmanuel Top - "Ashram" (Hindouist club mix) [Attack SPEET002 Specials Phase Two] 2011
#7 (2018-10-05)
00. South Park "Safe Space" intro
01. Materia - "Otherland" [Slime SLM070LP Atlas] 2013
02. Trieb - "Mein Gott Ist Weiblich" [Raw 063015762-2 Unsterblich] 1996
03. Rocket/Freudental - "Ich Bau Scheisse" [Pavlek 010 Die Weisheit Wächst Auf Bäumen] 2004
04. Anarchist Academy - "Ein Schönes Lied" [Tribehaus - Rappelkisten Kids] 1998
05. State Of Departmentz - "Der Sinn Des Lebens" [Rap Nation RNR007-2 Reimexplosion] 1994
06. Böhse Onkelz - "Überstimuliert" [regel23 901-390112 Adios] 2004
07. Böhse Onkelz - "eniE tfahcstoB rüf ediona-raP" [Onkelz Productions 724384234928 E.I.N.S.] 1996
08. Schweisser - "Heiland" [Bullet Proof INT8225992 Heiland] 1997
09. Such A Surge - "Schatten" [Epic 4779752 Under Pressure] 1995
10. Die Fantastischen Vier - "Ruf Die Polizei" [Four Music FOR5244442 Viel] 2004
11. Die Fantastischen Vier - "Alles Ist Neu" [Columbia COL4748952 Die 4. Dimension] 1993
12. Gang Related + Mask - "I Follow None" [Dope Dragon DDRAG12] 1996
13. Ellen Allien - "Waiting For The Doctor" [Championsound XAMP03 Ellen Allien EP] 1995
14. Ellen Allien - "Get The Groove Goin" [Championsound XAMP03 Ellen Allien EP] 1995
15. Ellen Allien - "Use The Bass" [Championsound XAMP03 Ellen Allien EP] 1995
16. Ellen Allien - "Yellow Sky" [MFS 7074-3 Yellow Sky] 1995
17. Bagdad - "Exocet 1" [Ă” 3] 2001
18. Phace - "Lazy Day" [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
19. Phace - "FMS" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
20. Phace - "Das Techno" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
21. Phace - "Obscure" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
22. Phace - "Downgrade" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
24. Phace - "Introduktion" [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
25. Phace - "Isolated" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
26. Phace - "Congress" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
27. Phace - "Shelf Life" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
28. Phace + Subtension - "2051" Edit [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
29. Phace + Affe Maria - "Goodbye Struggles" [Neosignal NSGNLCD004 Between] 2018
30. Phace + Apashe - "Unsafe" [Kannibalen KAR114 Copter Boy] 2016
#8 (2018-11-02)
00. Duckman "America" intro
01. Hans Söllner - "Mit Blaulicht und Sirene" [Powerplay Music 400159 Wos Reimt Se Scho Auf Nicki...] 1987
02. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Jede Generation" [Four Music FOR5244443 Viel] 2004
03. Die Fantastischen 4 - "Das Kind Vor Dem Euch Alle Warnten" [Columbia COL4865036 Liveunddirekt] 1996
04. Deadmau5 - "Moar Ghosts'n'Stuff" feat. Rob Swire [mau5trap MAU5020]
05. Deadmau5 - "Ghosts'n'Stuff" [mau5trap MAU5LTD001]
06. Armand Van Helden - "Witch Doctor" (Zedd Remix) [Strictly Rhythm SR12714D]
07. Erick Decks - "Nasty" (Zedd Dub Remix) [cRAnK CR015]
08. Zedd - The Legend Of Zelda" [Bazooka BKA103]
09. Zedd - "Dovregrubben" [Dim Mak 885686843369]
10. Feed Me - "Grand Theft Ecstacy" [mau5trap MAU5CD006]
11. Feed Me + Kill The Noise - "Muscle Roller" [mau5trap MAU5CD006]
12. Feed Me - "Cott's Face" [mau5trap MAU5CD008]
13. Mab + Dan Thomas - "This Year" (Zedd Remix (Edit)) [Straight Up! STUDIGI006]
14. Skrillex - "Weekends!!!" feat Sirah (Zedd Remix) [Big Beat 075679972682]
15. Skrillex - "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" (Zedd Remix) [mau5trap MAU5CD008]
16. Wolfgang Gartner + Skrillex - "The Devil's Den" [Big Beat / OWSLA 075679967497]
17. Skrillex - "The Disco Rangers Bus (Knows Hot To Rock'n'Roll)" [free]
18. Feed Me - "Death By Robot" [mau5trap MAU5060]
29. Drumsound + Bassline Smith - "What Can You Do For Me" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
20. Drumsound + Bassline Smith - "Can You Feel It" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
21. Hypoxia - "Badass" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
22. Black Sun Empire + Noisia - "Hideous" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
23. Ed Rush + Optical - "Pacman" (Ram Trilogy Remix {Shivaxi Acapella}) [free]
24. Ed Rush + Optical + Fierce - "Alien Girl" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
25. Konflict - "Messiah" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
26. Pendulum - "Another Planet" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
27. Sub Focus - "Timewarp" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
28. Concord Dawn - "Morning Light" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
29. Evol Intent - "Middle Of The Night" (Shivaxi Acapella) [free]
30. Origin Unknown - "Valley Of The Shadows" (Shivaxi Acapella {DJ Ransome Edit}) [free]
31. DJ Hazard + Disturbed Minds - "Mr. Happy" (Shivaxi Acapella + DJ Detweiler VIP) [free]
32. Illinja - "Dont Twist Them Out" [DOA free]
33. Currant Valley - "Im Darkhardcoreundergrnd As Fuck" [Barcode Hardware Zoo 002 Brainless Fuckheads pt.1]
34. Currant Valley - "The Call" (Bonny Remix) [Barcode Hardware Zoo 002 Brainless Fuckheads pt.1]
35. Eläkeläiset - "Humpparitari" bonus track [Stupido TWINCD22 Humppakäräjät] 1994
#9 (2018-12-07)
00. Der 13te Krieger "FĂĽr Alles" intro
01. BBK - "Lieber bermuda.funk" [DMF 7 Jahre Jubiläum] 2008
02. DJ Spinbad ‎- "Rocks The Casbah (The 80's Megamix)" [Tape Kingz / MasterTapes] 1995
03. Eläkeläiset - "Humpparitari" bonus track [Stupido TWINCD22 Humppakäräjät] 1994
(AllMost 2018)
> > > 2019 < < <