
Im Moment läuft:

21 Uhr: Cheval Noir
Monsieur 70 Volt und DJ Benôit reiten auf dem Lichstrahl des Pulsars. Symphonien galoppieren und Donnerhall steigt aus dem Äther hervor.

Danach läuft:

22 Uhr: Ohrenschmaus am Abend
Titelliste zur Sendung am 24.4.2024:   (von/mit Alexander   Sneaks, CD"It's A Myth", Tr."Act Out"+"DEVO"   Mary Timony, CD"...

23 Uhr: special
Die Spezial-Sendung der Musikredaktion des bermuda.funk, gestaltet von wechselnden Moderator*innen.

0 Uhr: Leonardo
Nützliches und Faszinierendes von der Welt, die uns umgibt. Mit Themen aus Umwelt und Wissenschaft wie z. B. Vulkanismus, Luftverschmutzung oder Wolken.

Monatsübersicht über alle Sendungen

Switch - Fuer immer Punk

22.04.2024 - 18 Uhr: Switch - Fuer immer Punk

21.04.2024 - 23 Uhr: Switch - Fuer immer Punk

Hallole, ich heiße Sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die Wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. Darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen Leuten, Bänds, DJ's, die ich kennengelernt habe.
Dabei läuft Musik aus allen Genres, Tracks, die mir das Leben gerettet haben schon, wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei. Da es live ist, kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich Punk sein bedeutet.
Achso, einen Kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei *)

Hey there, my name is Sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/d, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy. about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests, bands, dj´s which i met and know.
presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.
ah !
to have nearly around your spweakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)

Sendende(r): Sibel Taylan

Social Media:
Mailkontakt: switch [at]


3. Sonntag 23 Uhr

2. Donnerstag 8 Uhr (nur im Internet)
2. Montag 0 Uhr
4. Montag 18 Uhr (nur im Internet)
4. Sonntag 4 Uhr
5. Mittwoch 1 Uhr


Sonntag, 17.07.2022

15 / 07 / 2022
E N J O Y Y O U R N E W G A L A X Y !
whats the price for happiness??
*..sometimes you just dont know what you are living in right now
or la barriere, tournai, belgium 2013
" 20:08 59sec
loud loud - jan makes soundcheck right now. with the d r u m s. this is so brutal good.
and during i have imagined, so to knock on the huge, great mordor´s walldoor. negatons.come on.
B A M !"
it is a lonesome,old house in beautiful belgium, la barriére and there´s no heaven but clouds to see-
like a seed under the paving stone
young punks captured this place - i say hello to them & there is a flat smile back -
i went out to do thai chi & gong & stroll on this amazing, silent landscape- i found a branch too, to regulate
my lovely bones with a trick from mi-kah...
i picked up some wild flowers for the peoples living in this house
"OHH! HOW CUTE, PEOPLES-HAVE A LOOK- SHE BROUGHT US FLOWERS- HOW KIND YOU ARE!" said a girl, which took the flowers on her hands
like she would take a stinking fish from me.
" you ve been late, look the concert began!" another one, like mrs rottenmeier, the teacher from clara and heidi..
the first band have started- a shame ive forgotten who they have been. from suisse maybe & they have
putted on a whole robe like only ku - klux- clans do this- & red light & dark lyrix & all celebrated it
the energy was as dark as nasgul´s face & it seemed, they are just one with the black-
obviously i couldnt enjoy this at this moment, like today´s awareness- although the drums felt so good..
then the modern pets played like singing angels for me & eased my feelings-
aftershow was strange, every conversation ive listened by accident was so sick; superficial; some
spoke like they are the king of the currywurst & told how it is only worth to live
; & some also spoke like only peoples from university do speak-
and all celebrating the dark dark darkness only.
everyone looked at me like i am an alien & after they spoke with me..mostly they ignored me -
ive just had to ran out this house- this negaton conversations & energies , with all the power of the involved parties &
took grateful having a place to go, loudly the tour-cd on from our sprinter, drunk & smoked & danced and fucked out
as much as i could be able with so much tears in my eyes- ive cried nearly 3 hours through- it felt so good-
today i know, yea
pro pro processssing trigger thing - but it felt like hell
jan came... after 2 hours, "hey, sibel, wher are you, we´ve missed you?"
" im here, dancing, jan, i dont feel so good at the moment there- you know?"
" oh, ok, can i do something for you?" "no, thanks jan!"
"heey, all good, taylan!" and he walked away back
<3 thank youuu<3
later, after the storm passed through me, i´ve went tired upstairs- there were we had to sleep- in the houses top-
i was so scared- eyes wide open- cause over 20 people laying side by side- everyone was sleeping-
i was so high from everything, i put on a guitar onto my fingers- wanted to listen some tone! to break through and
shortly after jingles, axel shouted angry:"sibel, shut up- there are some who wants to sleep!"
caught up frightend & humbled, ive put away the lovely guitar, beside me, without a blanket but a tear-
next morning & leaving time, they´ve wanted to have a whole picture from all- so and after that, they said to us:"
now, we want to sail away you with a song we will sing!"
all of them looked at me, with a smile- hm, ive noticed their blade in my back-
i really didnt know- what the hell they´ve wanted from me or what i have done to them-
or what here happens
they sung: joan osborne - "when god was one of us"
i was just wondering, if they really could read my mind, understood my tragedy childhoodtrauma story, i on myself wasnt awared of it then,
and ive had problems to hide my sadness & tears-& just wanted to leave this sad, overestimated place-
were i´ve firstly ever met humen, who are conspiculous inconspiculous really dark
on the road then
it was only jan, who noticed my state & nodded to me kindly-
and the others, they helped me just being themselves with their innocent easyness & funny talks
ive never thought, that i cannot do this- that this must be impossible for me.
but it worked- works
a teacandle, which i usually take with me, when i am on a journey-
it was the ever first place where ive really couldnt leave a light-
is this like black the black? let the black be black?
in my diary, i saw myself drawing at the next silent moment, over all the paper with a thick black painter the heavy door from mordor,
with a millimeter of light,where the door is open, you can look through
" they are ya also partially buried under the earth!"
" in belgium are strange vibes still.." arun said to me, when i have told this happening
dont you know there´s the bad little girl?
" oh wunder, ich bin wieder sehend- danke herr!"
"oh wonder, i am sighted again- thank you lord!"
* wo wolltschn hin?
* where you´ve wanted to go?
* nereye gitmek istiyordun?
* ...und dort habe ich nichts verloren!"
*...and i didnt lose anything there !"
* orada benim isim yok!"
* ..und dort habe ich nichts mehr verloren!"
*..and i didnt have to lose anything there no more!"
* "wenn nichts anderes mehr hilft -
dann die wahrheit!"
* when nothing else does not help -
then the truth!"
* eger hic baska birsey yardim etmiyorsa-
o zaman gercegi!"
* ich glaube wir brauchen alle mal eine pause!
* i think we all need once a pause!
* bence hepimize bir ara lazim, degilmi?!
* das war echt nicht mit absicht!
* das war meine volle absicht!
* wahrscheinlich nur in bester absicht
* that was really not my intent!
* that was my full intent!
* probably just in best intent
* bunu gercekten istiyerek yapmadim!
* bunu tam istiyerek yaptim!
* heralde sadece en iyi niyette
* was ist dir die freiheit wert?
* ein bisschen sollte ihnen ihre freiheit schon wert sein
* what it is it the worth -of your freedom?
* a little bit it should be worth on you, your freedom
* bagimsizliginin degerin kaca?
* bagimsizligin birazda degerin olmasi gerek, öyle degil mi?
* wie du es wünschst. dein wille geschehe
* how do you wish it. thy will be done
* nasil dileyiyorsan. senin istedigin olsun
* brauchst du noch was?
* do you need some anything else?
* sana birsey lazim mi daha?
* wenn du kraftvoll in dir ruhen würdest, welche entscheidung würdest du deinem inneren kind
zuliebe jetzt treffen?
* if you would rest powerful in yourself, which decision you would meet now for the sake of your inner child?
* stell dir vor,dein inneres kind das liebeskummer hat, wie willst du ihm deine liebe zeigen?
* imagine, your inner child that have lovesickness, how do you want to show it your love?
* kannst du mit meinem vorschlag leben?
* can you live with my suggestion?
* teklifimile yasiyabilirmisin?
* ach, das is schad
* ah, that is a pity
* bischen zack, ja?!
* bit whip into shape, ya?!
* * heyyy! yeahh!! es gibt kosmetika und reinigungszeugs ohne mikroplastik <3
* heyyy! yeahhh!!there are cosmetics and cleaningproducts without microplastic <3
* heyyy! harikaa!! mikroplastiksiz kozmetik ve yikamaürünleri satiliyor <3
der aushilfsapotheker im hinterhof / data77112 <3
vor ca 4 wochen (jetzt 1 jahr und 6monaten) hab ich die schaufensterscheiben vom data77112 geputzt, poliert und neu beschriftet-
es war schon dunkel geworden, so 1900 uhr-- um den papiermüll in die tonne zu knallen lief ich in den
hinterhof- dort befindet sich auch der hinterausgang und parkplatz der nebenanliegenden stadtapotheke.
plötzlich tauchte ein grosser typ auf,in den besten jahren, den ich schon mal gesehen hatte iwie, erwiderte lächelnd mein hallo!
"ich finde eure sprüche am schaufenster immer sehr interessant und bin jedesmal gespannt, wenn ich hier alle paar wochen arbeite,
was jetzt wieder draufsteht!"
" oh! ich freu mich!"
wir haben denselben flow sag ich mal, er hatte mitte 70ér/ 80ér ebenfalls einen gastraum.
er liebt bücher und um diese zu teilen, kam es dazu, dass er mit seinen freunden einen ort geschaffen hatten, wo man lesen und essen kann.
"damals war alles etwas freier und einfacher".. das gespräch wurde offener- er fragte mich, wie denn mein
gefühl sei, zukunftstechnisch!" " positiv!" er strahlte, er auch! und erzählte:" ich befasse mich schon jahrelang mit ausseridischem leben im kosmos.
es gibt sooviele verschiedene ausseridische lebewesen und manche, die uns und unseren planeten beschützen! kennst du die plejaden?
sie umgeben uns ständig und werden immer mehr sichtbar. sie haben schon allerlei verhindert, was eventuell schon geplant war um die menschheit von dunklen energie zu regieren. zb.
wird es nicht mehr geben und vieles existiert schon, technologien, die uns noch geheim gehalten werden. alles was mit tele zu tun hat wird mehr kommen.
telepathie, teletransport-usw..
ich bin sehr froh und dankbar und fasziniert von dieser dimension und unterstützung-wir können ganz entspannt bleiben, immer mehr menschen erwachen.
es ist alles eine frage der zeit!" erleichtert und freudig sagte ich:" oh junge, yo, ich dachte schon, ich bilde mir nur was ein. es gibt noch kaum leute,
denen man so etwas erzählen kann halt..."
"nein, mädchen, sie sind mit uns!"
jeder hat goldene talente in sich, und ist genau dort, wo er gebraucht wird. mögen wir dies erkennen- wenn das gefühl uns sagt, es ist genug hier
jetzt, dann reise weiter- höre dem flüstern des universums zu-
"was würde die liebe jetzt tun?"
"deshalb bist du auch ein wander apotheker, hinterlässt überall regelmässig rotierend dein schönes licht!
:D" er grinste erstaunt und sagte ":D"hm,ja so hab ich das noch gar nicht betrachtet!"
sehr glücklich über diesen austausch und wertvollen unterhaltung verabschiedeten wir uns mit dem ruhigen gewissen des all-umfassendes bewusstseins.
welches in harmonie schwingt.
(und ich dachte schon, ich bilde mir nur was ein.
oh maan, meine liebe intuition- entschuldigung bitte!!)
*the temporary help pharmacist in the backyard of data77112 ( <3 pub)
ca 4 weeks ago (now 1 year and 6months) i´ve cleaned, polished and lettered our store- it went almost dark, 1900- to bang in the paperwastes into the blue tonne, i´ve
walked in the backyard- there also exists the back entrance and parkside of the citychemistry.
suddenly out of the dark a huge man stood there-in the best years,and somehow i might have seen him before- he smiled back with an "hello"
"i love your store window writings! everytime when i´m in this city, i´m excited what is standing upon this time!
i´m happy! we´ve checked up, we have the same flow, so he has got in the middle 70´s and 80´s also a little room, cause he just loves books.
and to share them with others it came, that he made with his friends kind a kitchen place where you can read and eat-
"in these times everything was more free and easier!".. the conversation got more open. he´d asked me:" how about your feeling for future?" "positive!" he blazed
and:" yeah, me too!"and told:" since a long time i attend to alien life in the cosmos- there existing soo many different lives out there and some just carrying us and
our planet. you know about the pleiades? aliens do surround us everytime and they get more and more visible. they´ve prevented yet a lot of things,
which eventually was yet planned to govern humanity of some darker energies- nuclear war perhaps, will not exist anymore and many things existing
yet, technoligies, which were keep yet to us secretly- everything what starts with tele- will come more closer. telepathy, teletransports aso..´
i´m very happy, thankful and fascinated of this dimension and support- we can stay relaxed, more & more people do awake. it is all a question of
time!" eased i said:" and i´ve thought, i illusioning just. there are yet less people, which you could tell-" "no,girl, they are with in us!"
everyone has got golden talents inside and is exactly there, where one is needed to be- may we be aware of this. when the feeling says enough, then
journey on- listen to the whisper of universe
"what would love do now?"
"yes, that´s why you are now a chemistry wanderer in rotary where you´ve leaving constantly your bright light:D !"
he grinned and said amazed:" :D so i´ve did not lighted this yet!"
very happy about this exchange and valuable conversation we left with this silent conscience all-embracing awareness, which sways in harmony.
(excuse me please my intuition! for my delusion)

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