
Im Moment läuft:

16 Uhr: Sonar Fr-16
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17 Uhr: Sonar Fr-17
Das regionale Infomagazin peilt die neuesten Entwicklungen und skurrile Nebensächlichkeiten im bermuda.dreieck an und ortet Highlights.

18 Uhr: Neurotic Breaks
Drum&Bass! Neuvorstellungen und Partydates des nichtkommerziellen Bereichs der elektronischen Musik im Mix!

19 Uhr: Neurotic Breaks
Drum&Bass! Neuvorstellungen und Partydates des nichtkommerziellen Bereichs der elektronischen Musik im Mix!

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Switch - Fuer immer Punk

28.04.2024 - 4 Uhr: Switch - Fuer immer Punk

Hallole, ich heiße Sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die Wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. Darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen Leuten, Bänds, DJ's, die ich kennengelernt habe.
Dabei läuft Musik aus allen Genres, Tracks, die mir das Leben gerettet haben schon, wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei. Da es live ist, kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich Punk sein bedeutet.
Achso, einen Kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei *)

Hey there, my name is Sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/d, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy. about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests, bands, dj´s which i met and know.
presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.
ah !
to have nearly around your spweakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)

Sendende(r): Sibel Taylan

Social Media:
Mailkontakt: switch [at]


3. Sonntag 23 Uhr

2. Donnerstag 8 Uhr (nur im Internet)
2. Montag 0 Uhr
4. Montag 18 Uhr (nur im Internet)
4. Sonntag 4 Uhr
5. Mittwoch 1 Uhr


Sonntag, 15.12.2019

switch-fürimmerpunk 15122019
traxx <3
* trio - da da da ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht*
* backround :flauta indigena e sons de natureza (indigenous flute and sounds of nature)
* dirty dancing soundtrack
* benny spellmann - fortune teller
* human expression - every night
* chris issak - blue hotel
* ich wünsche dir eine tolle begegnung mit einem tier!( sie sind so lustig!)
* i wish you a groovy meeting with an animal! (they are so funny!)
* sana bir tatli an dilerim, bir hayvanlan beraber! (onlar cok komik yahh!)
welcome..radioshow am 3. advent schon, am 3. sonntag im einzigen dezember 2019
um 2300 in der letzten stunde der woche* ooder ihr hört vllt sogar eine wiederholung?!
* BIER!!! BEER!!! BIRA!!!
* man glaubt gar nicht wie gross die not ist.
you cannot believe how huge the poverty is.
siKINti ne kadar büyük inanamassin
...aber nicht so wichtig, es ist eh jeder besoffen!
...but not that important, anyway everybody is boozy!
..ama önemi yok, zaten herkez sarhos!
forgiveness is for me
forgiveness sets me free!
i excused by all my brain- and cells for yesternight!
und heute so: and today so: bugünde:
undundund--wie war dein tag heute? falls er total beschissen war, enden solche tage meistens gut!
oder hast du das gefühl, wenn er nicht so cool war, du hättest was anders machen können?
erfreust du dein herz?
und dann sind 3 minuten vom tag ein übles erlebnis so, und man
denkt der ganze tag ist scheisse.
jeder tag ist ein geschenk, manche sind nur bisl blöd verpackt
andandand--how was your day? if it was totally shitty--you know, such days end up mostly good!
or do you have the feeling, if it was not so cool, you could have do something different?
you delight your heart?
sometimes there are just 3 minutes in day, which really fucked
you up and then you think maybe the whole day was fucked up- bummer!
i think everyday is a present, some are just not nice well packaged-
heyheyhey--bugünün nasil di? okadar iyi gecmediyise, baska bir sey yapabilirmiydin?
kalbini sevindiriyormusun?
bazende 3 dakikanin icinde seni tam sallandi, ve saniyoruz ki, bütün güne sicildi, afedersin!
bence, hergün bir hediye gibi-yalniz bazilarin paketleri okadar cok güzel yapilmamis-
so, damit ich kurz wieder that i can function further... devam etmem icin...
benny spellmann - fortune teller danke an sheld- und für die party gestern <3
* stimmt was nicht mit mir? stimmt was nicht mit dir? was stimmt nicht mit mir? was stimmt nicht mit dir?
* is there anything wrong with me? what is wrong with me? is there anything wrong with you? what is wrong with you?
*ich kann nicht schlafen, weil ich so glücklich bin! * i cannot sleep because im so happy!* mutlu oldugum icin uyamiyorum yah !
*nein, vielen dank! * no, thanks a lot! * yok sagol, cok tesekkür ederim
*where is the end? * wo ist das ende? *sonu nerde?
* wieso nervt mich daaass?? * why nerves me thiiiss?? * hast du aufgeräumt? * have you cleaned up?
*entstörung des geistes * fault clearance of the ghost*
* ..wie in der letzten show erwähnt, ist meditation u.a. eine unersetzliche "heilungsstrategie" sag ich mal.
dann ist das also die ultimative V O L K S F Ü R S O R G E !
HALLO WELT- du hörst zu! das freut doch sicher auch die krankenkassen!
allerdings weiss ich nicht, ob jeder dazu in der lage ist!? vllt brauchen es manche auch gar nicht? hmmm
*.. as i mentioned in the last show, meditation is among other things a hmm i say an irreparable "healingstrategy".
then is this yeah the ultimative N A T I O N W E L F A R E
HELLO WORLD- you are listening! the health insurance companies must be happy ya?!
indeed i do not know, if everyone have got the ability-- or do need it?!
wärmetauscher - bist du du selbst?
magst du deine momente wie sie gerade sind?
akzeptieren was ist? leugnen was ist?
"vielleicht sind alle drachen unseres herzens
prinzessinnen, die nur darauf warten
uns einmal schön und mutig zu sehen.
und vielleicht ist alles schreckliche, im grunde, das hilflose,
das hilfe von uns will."
rainer maria rilke
recuparator - are you yourself?
do you like your moments how they are right now?
accept what is? deny what is?
"maybe all dragons of our hearts
are just princessess, which are just waiting
to see us once beautiful and brave.
and maybe is all terrible essentially, the helpless,
which wants help from us."
rainer maria rilke
* anfangen können wir mit uns selbst.
ich bin mein eigenes forschungsprojekt ------------- manchmal bin ich überrascht, das es doch einfacher geht, als gedacht.
* ich werde authentisch- authentischer...mut--sich selbst zu sein- ohne wertung- du, ich wir werden jetzt gebraucht!
alles, was du nicht bist, fliegt weg. alles was konditioniert wurde. hält nicht mehr, weils nicht echt ist.
lass dich nicht in die ecke drängen! wieso denn?
mach stop! wenn dein kosmischer bauch dir einen kurzen hauch impuls sendet--der vllt unangenehm ist. vertraue dem gefühl-
alles was du durch ehrlichkeit verlierst, ist kein verlust, sondern eine erleichterung.
begleite die, die du möchtest, du kannst nicht jeden glücklich machen! du bist keine pizza!
wir haben an die 50 billionen einwohner in unserem menschlichen körper sagt bruce lipton! alter! was ne ansage! mir wird schwindelig--
was ein mega team! wir können also unsere gene umschreiben- ihnen eine neue umgebung erschaffen.. angst schaltet das immunsystem ab! und verhindert wachstum
der glaube heilt! und macht auch das gegenteil- jaja..die macht der gedanken! also zb. wenn du ne diagnose vom doc erhalten hast, ist das vllt so---aber höre nicht
auf die prognose. du hast doch noch selbstheilungskräfte- der parasit ist nichts- das millieu ist alles.
ja hey, und drück noch ne zitrone oben drüber drauf!
* hey, sagmal..bist du verliebt? verliebt sein öffnet das bewusstsein- wir hören auf zu denken! wir sind achtsamer!
wünsche und sehnsüchte können manifestiert werden juhhuu!
eigentlich sollten wir immer in diesem zustand herumlaufen und leben-
verliebe dich immer wieder! ja? keine ahnung, in den wald, in deine kick- oder tanz-schuhe, in dein telefon, in deine badewanne, in den kaffee, in die zigarette, in den
menschen ...
*so we can start up with ourselfes. iam my own research project--------------------sometimes im surprised, cause it is much easier than thought.thought.thought.thought
* i get authentic-i get more authentic- brave - being yourself- without assessment - i, you, we are needed now!
all everything, what you are not, flies away.all everything what was conditioned. does no longer last, cause it isnt real.
dont let yourself get forced into the corner! why you should?
make stop! when your cosmic stomach tells and sends you are short breeze impulse --which is maybe uncomfortable. trust this sense-
all what you ve lost through honesty, is no loss, but a relief.
you cannot make everyone happy, you re not a pizza!
bruce lipton said ..we have about 50 billions townsfolk in our human body omg alter!!!
what an announcement! im getting dizzyyy
what a mega team! we can rewrite our genes create/activate them new surroundings/...fear switches the immune system off / prevents expansion
the faith heals! and does also the opposite--yesyesya..the power of thoughts! so..if you went to the doc, cause youre ill, and he gives you this diagnose, then it
is maybe like that, but do not listen to the prognosis- you have got selfhealingpowerss-the parasite is nothing- the environment is all.
yeah man and flush a lemon over it!
* hey,say, are you amorous? :)
being amarous opens awareness- we do not think anymore! we are more attentive
desires and yearnings could be manifested
actually we should stay and live in this amorous state-
fall in love always again! i dont know in the forrest, in your ballpoint pen- in your coffe, in your bathtub, in your cigarette, in your phone or book or your
kick or dancing this human..
*ich mache mir kleine verprechen jeden tag
*zeitlich begrenzte rückfälle sind teile meiner heilung
*ich habe dekaden der konditionierung des verlernens, welches zeit brauchen wird
*ich sehe mein ego, das geschichten erfindet, die nicht der wahrheit entsprechen
*ich akzeptiere, dass dieser prozess mein leben, meine beziehungen und mein blick auf das leben verändern wird.
i keep small promises to myself everyday
temporary set backs are part of healing
i have decades of conditioning to unlearn, which will take time
i see my ego creates stories and they are not truths
i accept this process will change my life, relationships and how i view life
* RECORDER 0031 <3
if you fail, never give up- cause fail means first attempt in learning
end is not the end
in fact end means effort never dies
if you get no as an answer
remember no means next opportunity
die lezten wochen über habe ich es praktiziert und habe immerwieder ein bischen der stille zugehört. und wie gut das tut! einfach mal ruhe! nix nada!
ohne tv, radio, mp3 player,schallplatten, tag und nachts. oh und wie sehr anders es ist. und festgestellt, wie alles lebt. die geräusche des
holzkochlöffels, oder der ton meines wasserkochers oder mein laufen vom schlafzimmer ins bad ja auch die meines nachbarn über mir.
oder die regentropfen draussen auf das metallgerüst hahha da hatte ich dann meine relax melodie app stadtregen direkt. und musste lachen und lauschen.
in meinem kopfe hat sich ein neues feld geöffnet. ein neuer denkzettel also muster iwie. ich hab da so ne wunderschöne keramikteetasse von meiner sis geschenkt bekommen,
und da ist ein delfin drinne-- und als ich das teewasser so einliess- hat es solche krassen töne gegeben! wie aus dem universum, wie als ob der delfin mit mir
spricht-- es ist so coool i love
"das unmanifeste
ist in dieser welt
"in der stille findest du kreativität und lösungen für probleme."
eckhart tolle, mein aktueller master yoda
" the unmanifest
is in this world
" in silence you find creativity and solutions for problems."
eckhart tolle, my present time master yoda
in the last weeks i started up and practised a little to listen to silence again and again.
without tv, radio, mp3 players, or records- days and nights. oh and how different it is. i found out, how everything is alive. the sound of the wood
cookingspoon, the voice of the electric kettle, my walking from the sleeping room into the bath, yes also them from my neighbour above. the sound of
the beercrates haha, and the rain-dropss onto the steel frameworks outside--haha then i ve had my direct super relax melody of cityrain..and i must
laugh and eavesdrop. in my head opened a new field. a new object lesson model somehow.
von meiner lieben freundin änner <3 sie hat mir ne email gesendet
got from my lovely friend änner <3 she sent me an email
ob ich das vorlesen darf? lisa citore hatte ich jetzt keine zeit zu fragen, aber ich denke es geht hier um liebe und das teilen..also..
ich glaube sie freut sich da eher..
n bisl punk geht immer, oda?
aouw.. if im allowed to read it?? i dont know but there was no time for asking, reading this poems.. but i think, a little punk is always a way to go--and the thing is love and
sharing..well i think she is more glad.or so what,
ich kanns nur in englisch vorlesen, habs versucht hhahha zu übersetzen..aber das ist nicht so gut!
und ich hoffe ich kanns euch cool vorlesen. das ihr das versteht. nachzulesen auf der homepage switch für immer punk un so..
i can only read it in english, oh i tried to transfer in german but hahha not that good! i hope i can read it well --and to read again youll find it
on switch für immer punk!
Change the World with Love – Two Poems
~by Lisa Citore~
If you want to change the world… love a woman-really love her.
Find the one who calls to your soul, who doesn’t make sense.
Throw away your check list and put your ear to her heart and listen.
Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-
every winged one, every fur-ry and scaled one,
every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one,
every not yet born and dying one…
Hear their melancholy praises back to the One who gave them life.
If you haven’t heard your own name yet, you haven’t listened long enough.
If your eyes aren’t filled with tears, if you aren’t bowing at her feet,
you haven’t ever grieved having almost lost her.
If you want to change the world… love a woman-one woman
beyond yourself, beyond desire and reason,
beyond your male preferences for youth, beauty and variety
and all your superficial concepts of freedom.
We have given ourselves so many choices
we have forgotten that true liberation
comes from standing in the middle of the soul’s fire
and burning through our resistance to Love.
There is only one Goddess.
Look into Her eyes and see-really see
if she is the one to bring the axe to your head.
If not, walk away. Right now.
Don’t waste time “trying.”
Know that your decision has nothing to do with her
because ultimately it’s not with who,
but when we choose to surrender
If you want to change the world… love a woman.
Love her for life-beyond your fear of death,
beyond your fear of being manipulated
by the Mother inside your head.
Don’t tell her you’re willing to die for her.
Say you’re willing to LIVE with her,
plant trees with her and watch them grow.
Be her hero by telling her how beautiful she is in her vulnerable majesty
by helping her to remember every day that she IS Goddessss
through your adoration and devotion
If you want to change the world… love a woman
in all her faces, through all her seasons
and she will heal you of your schizophrenia/skizzofrinia.
your double-mindedness and half-heartedness
which keeps your Spirit and body separate-
which keeps you alone and always looking outside your Self
for something to make your life worth living.
There will always be another woman.
Soon the new shiny one will become the old dull one
and you’ll grow restless again, trading in women like cars,
trading in the Goddess for the latest object of your desire.
Man doesn’t need any more choices.
What man needs is Woman, the Way of the Feminine,
of Patience and Compassion, non-seeking non-doing,
of breathing in one place and sinking deep intertwining roots
strong enough to hold the Earth together
while she shakes off the cement and steel from her skin.
If you want to change the world… love a woman, just one woman .
Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel.
Love her through her fear of abandonment
which she has been holding for all of humanity.
No, the wound is not hers to heal alone.
No, she is not weak in her codependence.
If you want to change the world… love a woman
all the way through
until she believes you,
until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion,
her wildness have returned to her-
until she is a force of love more powerful
than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her.
If you want to change the world,
lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs.
Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger
and love a woman…
beyond all of your striving for greatness,
beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment.
The holy grail stands before you
if you would only take her in your arms
and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy.
What if peace is a dream which can o'nly be re-membered
through the heart of Woman?
What if a man’s love for Woman, the Way of the Feminine
is the key to opening Her heart?
If you want to change the world…love a woman
to the depths of your shadow,
to the highest reaches of your Being,
back to the Garden where you first met her,
to the gateway of the rainbow realm
where you walk through together as Light as One,
to the point of no return,
to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth.
* guns n roses- so fine
If you want to change the world love a man; really love him
Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly; who sees you; who is brave enough to be afraid
Accept his hand and guide him gently to your hearts blood
Where he can feel your warmth upon him and rest there
And burn his heavy load in your fires
Look into his eyes look deep within and see what lies dormant or awake or shy or expectant there
Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time
Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you
Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability
In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death
Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you…and swim in the Earth’s womb in silent knowing, together
And when he retreats…because he will…flees in fear to his cave…
Gather your grandmothers around you…envelope in their wisdoms
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart
Urging you to be still…and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed once more
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Do not coax out his little boy
With guiles tricklist and wiles and seduction and trickery
Only to lure him…to a web of destruction
To a place of chaos and hatred
More terrible than any war fought by his brothers
This is not feminine this is revenge
This is the poison of the twisted lines
Of the abuse of the ages, the rape of our world
And this gives no power to woman it reduces her as she cuts off his balls
And it kills us all
And whether his mother held him or could not
Show him the true mother now
Hold him and guide him in your grace and your depth
Smoldering in the center of the Earth’s core
Do not punish him for his wounds that you think don’t meet your needs or criteria
Cry for him sweet rivers
Bleed it all back home
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Love him enough to be naked and free
Love him enough to open your body and soul to the cycle of birth and of death
And thank him for the opportunity
As you dance together through the raging winds and silent woods
Be brave enough to be fragile and let him drink in the soft, heady petals of your being
Let him know he can hold you stand up and protect you
Fall back into his arms and trust him to catch you
Even if you’ve been dropped a thousand times before
Teach him how to surrender by surrendering yourself
And merge into the sweet nothing, of this worlds’ heart
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Encourage him, feed him, allow him, hear him, hold him, heal him
And you, in turn, will be nourished and supported and protected
By strong arms and clear thoughts and focused arrows
Because he can, if you let him, be all that you dream
If you want to love a man, love yourself, love your father
Love your brother, your son, your ex-partner; from the first boy you kissed,
To the last one you wept over
Give thanks for the gifts; of your unraveling to this meeting
Of the one who stands before you now
And find in him the seed to all that’s new and solar
A seed that you can feed to help direct the planting
To grow a new world, together.
chris isaak- blue hotel
...ob du nun eine lady oder ein typ bist oder transgender bist---
wir, als androgynes wesen- also unserem herzen ists piepwurschtegal in welches herz es sich
jezt verliebt- one love
... if you are a lady, a man or transgender ---
we, as androgynos //androgschinos creatures--also- its tweetcheepsausageequal in which heart it falls now in love-..
one love
* ich bin gespannt, was ich als letztes sehen werde, bevor ich irgendwann diesen wundervollen planeten verlasse!
ich schaue gerne 2 mal hinter mich, ich umarme meine liebsten ein bischen fester, äh vllt war das auch meine letzte radioshow? ohhhhh!!
und ich würde an euerer stelle eure liebste oder liebsten küssen, als
obs des letzte mal wäre- beim abschied
hmm ok, die zeit ist abgelaufen- vielen dank bermudafunk!
also dann, haja gell bis 2020! hab ne geile winterzeit- vielen dank fürs zuhören! ich freu mich!
und..vllt hörst du ein bischen der stille zu
* im excited what will be my last thing i see.. when in best time for me i will leave this wonderful planet!
so i look always both behind me, hugg my loviest ones maybe a bit stronger, maybe this was my last radioshow? ohhhhh!!
and if i was you, i would kiss my loviest one like it would be the last time when we say goodbye-
hmmm ok, time is over now, thanks a lot bermudafunk!
so then, yeahyeah ..until 2020! have a great wintertime- thanks a lot for listening! juhuuu!
and maybe youll listen to silence a bit
*bermudafunka cok tesekkür ederim!- cok merak ediyorum ya, acaba yani gözlerim en
son neyi görcek bu güzel dünyayi birakip evrene gidipte?? a aaaa belki de bu son radyiosovumdu?
onun icin, ben ya hep arkama iki sefer bakarim- sevdiklerimi daha siki kucaklarim-
ben sen olsaydim, sevgilimi son görüs gibi öperim! veda ederken..
hmmm tamam beraber zamanimiz bitmis sayilir--
2020ye görüsürüz--acayip güzel kis zamani gecirin!- dinlediginiz icin cok tesekkür ederim-!-ahhuuwww!
ve belki sessisligi biraz dinlersin*
there´s the best for you!
next show: 19 01 2020

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